These Cristofori pianos, completed in 2020 and 2015, have a range of 4½ octaves (GG – d3) to satisfy the requirements of musician clients. We know from documents and the surviving Cristofori instruments that his keyboards did not extend above c3 in the treble, but the basses in some instruments reached down to GG and FF. The number of keys for the range GG-d3 corresponds to the original range of the 1720 Cristofori piano in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (FF, GG, AA – c3). The curve of the nut is based on the Cristofori piano from 1722 in Rome and remaining features such as the string length, the case construction, the inner construction and the hammer action are copied from the Cristofori piano from 1726 in the Grassi-Museum in Leipzig.