Instrument hire

At the end of 2023 I stopped the hiring service in order to devote myself entirely to instrument making, restoration and research.

Since July 2024, the Cristofori and Silbermann piano have been part of the piano collection of the Bechstein Foundation Berlin.

Photo selection of concerts and musicians

  • Claire Gautrot and Marouan Mankar-Bennis during the concert in the marble hall of the Elisabethenburg palace in Meiningen on the 30th September 2023
  • Claire Gautrot and  Marouan Mankar-Bennis during the rehearsal in the marble hall of palace Elisabethenburg palace in Meiningen on the 30th September 2023
  • Els Biesemans and the ensemble La Festa Musicale rehearsing for the concert on the 5th of September 2023 in the church of Großhartmannsdorf (Saxony, Festival Silbermann-Tage)
  • The group La Festa Musicale rehearsing Bachs Triosonata for the concert in Großhartmannsdorf (Saxony) on the 5th September 2023
  • Jermaine Sprosse during the rehearsal for the concert with the Silbermann piano in the Eckhof theater in Gotha/ Thuringia on the 30th July 2023
  • Vincent Bernhardt bevor the recording with the Cristofori piano in the church St Laurentius in Loburg
  • Philippe Grisvard and Johannes Pramsohler during the concert in Wörlitz (Fasch-Festtage Zerbst) on the 18th June 2023
  • Philippe Grisvard and Johannes Pramsohler during the rehearsal for the concert in Zerbst (Fasch-Festtage) on the 17th June 2023
  • Toshi Shibata and Anthony Romaniuk during the rehearsal for the concert in Dornheim (Thüringer Bach-Tage) on the 15th of April 2023
  • The 4½ octave Cristofori piano in the First Lutheran Church in Boston after the concert on the 25th March 2023
  • Artem Belogurov playing the  Cristofori piano during the recording at La Grua Center in Stonington (Rhode Island, USA), 18th to the 20th March 2023
  •  Artem Belogurov playing the Cristofori piano before the concert at La Grua Center in Stonington (Rhode Island, USA), 18th March 2023
  • Justin Taylor (Silbermann piano) during the concert on the 12th November 2022 in the Orgelpark in Amsterdam
  • Olga Pashenko (pianoforte Cristofori) during her rehearsal for the concert on the 12th November 2022 in the Orgelpark in Amsterdam
  • Menno van Delft (Cristofori piano) and Artem Belogurov (Cristofori piano) during the rehearsal for the concert on the 13th November 2022 in the Orgelpark in Amsterdam
  • Menno van Delft and Dalyn Cook on the organ, Ramòn Pérez-Sindìn Blanco on the Silbermann piano and Artem Belogurov on the Cristofori piano, during the rehearsal for the concert on the 13th November 2022 in the Orgelpark Amsterdam
  • Menno van Delft playing the Silbermann piano together with a student on the Cristofori piano, Masterclass in the Orgelpark in Amsterdam, 13th November 2022
  • Jean-Pierre Pinet (Baroque flute), Vincent Roth (cello da spalla) and Vincent Bernhardt (Cristofori piano) during the rehearsal for the recording from the 1st to the 5th November 2022 in the concert hall of the Arsenal in Metz (France)
  • Coline Dutilleul and Aline Zylberajch (Silbermann piano) during the rehearsal for the concert on the 3rd October 2022 in the Eckhof-Theater in Gotha (Thuringia)
  • Anna Fusek playing the Cristofori piano during the rehearsal for the concert on the 17th September 2022 in the Teatro del Seminario in Padova
  • Aysha Wills (traverse flute), Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde (baroque cello) and Artem Belogurov (Silbermann piano) during the rehearsal for the concert on the 1st September 2022 in the concert hall of Tivoli Vredenburg in Utrecht (Oude Muziek Festival)
  • Menno van Delft (Tangentenflügel) and Artem Belogurov (Silbermann piano) during the concert in the Fundatie Van Renswoude on the 26th August 2022 in Utrecht (Festival Oudemuziek)
  • Menno van Delft (Tangentenflügel) and Artem Belogurov (Silbermann piano) during the rehearsal for the concert in the Fundatie Van Renswoude on the 26th August 2022 in Utrecht (Festival Oudemuziek)
  • Luca Guglielmi, Fiorella Andriani and Mauro Lopes before the concert in the Palazzo Ducale in Genua on the 29th May 2022
  • Luca Guglielmi and Fiorella Andriani during the recording of Bach's Musical Offering in the Chiesa del Colletto in Pinerolo (Turin)
  • Théotime Langlois De Swarte and Violaine Cochard (copy of the ebony harpsichord) during the concert on the 16th May 2022 in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence
  • Jacopo Sibilia during the rehearsal for the concert with the copy of the Cristofori piano in the Musical Instrument Museum in Rome on the 14th May 2022
  • Jacopo Sibilia, Stefano Magliare and Sofya Yuneeva during the rehearsal for the concert on the 14th May 2022 in the Musical Instrument Museum in Rome
  • Aline Zylberajch practicing for the concert with the new Cristofori piano in the chamber music hall of the Barbican in London on the 30th January 2022, project: Domenico Scarlatti, The Mirror of Human Frailty
  • Toshiyuki Shibata und Anthony Romaniuk  preparing the concert  at the Concertgebouw in Bruges on 22nd January 2022
  • Capella Jenensis (Gerd Amelung on the Silbermann piano) during the video recording in the white hall of Schloss Ettersburg on the 22nd October 2021
  • Gerd Amelung and Claudia Mende (Capella Jenensis) during the video recording in the white hall of Schloss Ettersburg on the 22nd October 2021
  • Jean Luc Ho and Le Petit Trianon during the recording of Bach's Musical Offering in Porrentruy (CH) on the 11th and 12th October 2021
  • Cyril Poulet, Sarah van Oudenhove and Le Petit Trianon during the recording of Bach's Musical Offering in Porrentruy (CH) on the 11th and 12th October 2021
  • Olivier Riehl, Amandine Solano and Le Petit Trianon during the recording of Bach's Musical Offering in Porrentruy (CH) on the 11th and 12th October 2021
  • Christophe Coin, Paolo Zanzu and Liv Heym during the recording in the studio of the Ölberg-Kirche in Berlin (6th to 9th September 2021)
  • Paolo Zanzu and Liv Heym during the recording in the studio of the Ölberg-Kirche in Berlin (6th to 9th September 2021)
  • Ricardo Magnus (Clavecin Roïal) and his group Klangschmelze during a recording in a broadcast studio of the SWR in Baden Baden in July 2021
  • Antthony Romaniuk and Toshiyuki Shibata during the recording in the Concertgebouw in Brugge in summer 2021
  • Aline Zylberajch, Aurélien Delage and Etienne Mangot during the video recordings on the 6th April 2021 in the Hôtel de Noailles near Paris
  • Johannes Pramsohler and Philippe Grisvard, video recording on the 6th of April 2021, Hôtel de Noailles near Paris
  • Aurélien Delage is accompanying Sebastijan Bereta (flute) with the Silbermann piano, Video recording on the 6th April 2021, Hôtel de Noailles near Paris
  • The ensemble Teatro d'Arcadia before the video concert on the 9th April 2021 in the concert hall Cortot in Paris
  • Edoardo Torbianelli and the Cistofori piano were guests at Générations France Musique on the 10th of April 2021
  • Edoardo Torbianelli on the Cristofori piano and Marc Hantaï playing the flute
  • The group Le stagioni with Paolo Zanzu playing the Cristofori piano, video recording in Semur-en-Auxoir in December 2020
  • The Ensemble Diderot during the recording at Toblach (South Tirol) in December 2019
  • Francois Gallon, Aline Zylberajch,Vincent Liévre-Picard, Philippe Grisvard, Aurélien Delage and Roldan Bernabé during the rehearsal for the concert on the 18th dicembre 2019 in the Salle Cortot in Paris
  • Philippe Grisvard and Aurélien Delage during the rehearsal at Royaumont abbey in December 2019
  • Le Petit Trianon (Olivier Riehl, Amandine Solano, Cyril Poulet, Sarah van Oudenhove and Jean-Luc Ho on the Silbermann piano) during the rehearsal for the concert on the 21st September 2019 in the abbey Royaumont (Paris)
  • the group Teatro d'Arcadia during the rehearsal for the concert on 25th August 2019 in Bubikon (Zurich), with the Cristofori piano as a basso continuo instrument
  • Le Petit Trianon during the rehearsal for the concert on the 9th August 2019 in the Kamermuziekzaal of the Concertgebouw in Brugge (MAFestival))
  • Elisabetta Ferri in a concert with the Cristofori piano on the 30th June 2019, in the Museo degli Strumenti Musicali in Rome, photo: Claudio Vicentini
  • During the recording with Francesca Venturi and ll quadro animato  in Rosbach near Frankfurt from 29th October to 1st November 2018
  • Capella Augustana during the rehearsal for the concert on the 20th October 2017 at Santa Cristina in Bologna, music of J.S.Bach and his sons with the Silbermann piano
  • During the rehearsal for the concert with Martin Gester and Arte dei suonatori in the chapel of Sarny castle in Poland on the 9th of September 2017
  • Aureliusz and Ewa Golinski, Martin Gester on the Silbermann piano, CD recording in Walbourg (Alsace) 1st to 4th August 2017
  • Fiorella Adriana, Liana Mosca e Luca Guglielmi during the rehearsal for the concerts in St. Germain in Geneva on the 8th of July 2017
  • during the rehearsal for the concert with Luca Guglielmi and the Silbermann piano on the 25th March 2017 in Rivoli (Turin), in the museum
  • Olga Pashchenko during the rehearsal for the concert with the Cristofori piano on the 22 March 2017 in the Conservatory in Padova
  • Matteo Messori and Stanislava Mihalcová during the rehearsal in the S. Cristina church in Bologna. The concert was in Brescia on the 5th Decembre 2016
  • Luca Guglielmi and the Cristofori piano before the concert on the 2nd of September 2016 in the Lutherse Kerk in Utrecht (Festival oude muziek)
  • during the rehearsal for the concert with Luca Guglielmi in occasion of J.S. Bach's birthday on the 21st March 2016 in the hall of the conservatory in Padova
  • during the Masterclass with the Cristofori and the Silbermann piano and Marcia Hadjimarkos on the 10th March 2016 at the Conservatory in Montpellier
  • Lucile Boulanger and Arnaud de Puasquale with the Silbermann piano at France Musique on 22nd December 2015
  • Jan van Hoecke and Jovanka Marville during the recording in the Concertgebouw in Bruges from  7th to 10th September 2015
  • Tobias Koch during the rehearsal with the Silbermann piano for the concert in Fontenay-sur-Végre (29th August 2015), in occasion of the Festival de Sablé in France
  • Concerto Madrigalesco (Fiorella Andriani, Liana Mosca, Luca Guglielmi) during the rehearsal for the concert on the 3rd March 2015 in the Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori in Florence
  • Arnaud de Pasquale and Lucie Boulanger during the recording in Brussels in December 2014
  • Aline Zilberajch and Martin Gester during the rehearsal for the concert  with Le Parlement de Musique on occasion of the Sixièmes Rencontres Internationales Harmoniques 2014 iin the conservatory in Lausanne, November 2014
  • Miklós Spányi during the rehearsal for the concert on the 9th November 2014 at the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire in Geneve
  • Andrea Coen and the Cristofori piano during the rehearsal for the concert in the Sclosskapelle Ambrass on occasion of the Innsbrucker Festwochen für Alte Musik in August 2014
  • Andrea De Carlo and Luca Guglielmi during the rehearsal for two concerts in the church of S. German in Geneve in July 2014
  • Christoph Hammer (Silbermann piano) and Dorothea Seel (traverse flute) during the rehearsal for the concert in the Kaisersaal of the Palace in Munich, October 2014
  • Concentus Musicus Vienna (with the guest director Matthew Halls) during the rehearsal for the concert in the Stiftskirche Melck,in June 2014
  • Andrea Coen and Anne Casularo during the rehearsal for the concert in Sion in May 2014
  • ther Cristofori and the Silbermann piano during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori in Florence in May 2014
  • Concerto Madrigalesco during the rehearsal for the concert in the Konzerthaus in Vienna in December 2013
  • Luca Guglielmi and Paolo Grazzi during the recording of a sonata for the Platti CD in September 2013
  • Concerto Madrigalesco during the recording in the Oratory S. Joseph in Urbino in July 2013
  • Andreas Staier during the rehearsal for the concert in the Maschinenhaus der Zeche Karl in Essen, 2013
  • Giovanni Togni during the recording with the English harpsichord by Thomas Culliford from 1785 in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence in February 2012
  • Marcia Hadjimarkos in concert in the former greenhouse of the Château de Cary-Potet in Buxy (France), September 2011

Places and Festivals where the Cristofori an the Silbermann piano have been played:

Alès Capitale de piano, Villa Gavotti Albisola (Savona), Orgelpark Amsterdam, Muziekacademie Anderlecht (Brussels), Conservatory Amiens, Leopold Mozart-Zentrum der Universität Augburg, Château de Châteauneuf en Auxois, Studio SWR Baden Baden, Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin, Teatro Laboratorio San Leonardo Bologna, Church S. Cristina Bologna, San Colombano Museum Bologna, Teatro Sociale Brescia, sala "ridotto" nel teatro di Brescia, Concertgebouw Brugge, Château de Cary-Potet Buxy, Ritterhaus Bubikon (Zürich), Villa Sorra Castelfranco Emilia (Festival musicale estense), Festival Magie Barocche Catania, Matiere&Musique Cluny, Festival di Musica Antica Colle Val d'Elsa, Eglésia de la Mare de Deu del Carme l’Eliana/ Valencia, Schloss Ettersburg (Weimar), Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori Firenze, Galleria dell'Accademia Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze, Lyceum Club Internazionale di Firenze, Salone del Cinquecento Palazzo Vecchio Firenze, Villa I Tatti Firenze, Teatro della Pergola Firenze, Silbermann-Festtage Freiberg/ Sachsen, Ruhrtriennale Gelsenkirchen, Palazzo Ducale Genova, Église St. Germain Genève, Art school HoGent in Gent, Eckhof-Theater Gotha, Greifenberger Institut für Musikinstrumentenkunde, Innsbrucker Festwochen für Alte Musik, Schlosskapelle Ambras, Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein/ Deutschland, Festival International de piano de La Roque d'Antheon, Conservatorio di Musica La Spezia, Les Concerts de musique Ancienne Lausanne, Rencontres Harmoniques Lausanne, Château des Évêques in Lavérune, Milton Court Barbican London, Grassi-Museum Leipzig, Schloss Elisabethenburg Meiningen, L'Arsenal Metz, Conservatoire Gabriel Pierné Metz, Chiesa di San Carlo Modena (Festival musicale estense), Conservatoire de Montpellier, Chiesa degli Aroli Monsano (Pergolesi Spontini Festival), Kaisersaal der Residenz München, Conservatorio di Padova, Museo Diocesano Padua, Teatro del Seminario Padova, Conservatoire Pierre Cochereau Nice, Festival Scarlatti Palermo, Conservatoire Gabriel Fauré Paris, Conservatoire Jacques Ibert Paris, Conservatoire Jean-Philippe Rameau Paris, Maison de la Radio Paris, Salle Cortot Paris, Conservatoire de Perpignan, Pontaumur Grange de Vaury (Festival Bach en Combrailles), Chiesa del Colletto Pinerolo, Festival Zipoli Prato, Lycée Cantonal de Porrentruy, Ravenna Festival, Mauriziano Reggio Emilia, town museum "Casa del Conte Verde" in Rivoli (Turin), Festival Barocco Musica per Roma, Museo degli Strumenti Musicali Roma, Abbey Royaumont, Evangelische Stadtkirche Nieder-Rosbach, Festival di Sabbioneta, Hôtel de Noailles Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Paris), Théâtre Du Rempart Semur-en-Auxois, Schloss Sangerhausen (Güldener Herbst Festival Alter Musik in Thuringia), Palazzo del Governo Siena, Istituto Musicale Rinaldo Franci Siena, Festival Flatus Sion (Suisse), Centre Musical International Jean-Sébastian Bach Collégial de St. Donat (France), Teatro Vittorio Torino, Castello del Buonconsiglio Trento, Teatro Sanzio, Festival di Musica Antica Urbino, Fundatie Van Renswoude Utrecht, Lutherse Kerk Utrecht, Tivoli Vredenburg Utrecht, Teatro Comunale Ponte in Valtellina, Fondazione Giorgio Cini Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore Venezia, Église Sainte-Walburge de Walbourg (Alsace), Konzerthaus Wien, Bühlkirche Zurich, Zunfthaus an der Waag Zurich

Musicians who played my instruments:

Gerd Amelung, Laura Alvini, Alessandra Artifoni, Enrico Baiano, Artem Belogurov, Vincent Bernhardt, Federica Bianchi, Jonathan Brandani, Wolfgang Brunner, Anne-Catherine Bucher, Francesco Cera, Violaine Cochard, Andrea Coen, Francesco Corti, Fabiana Ciampi, Michele Croese, Aurélien Delage, Jörg Demus, Katarzyna Drogosz, Alfonso Fedi, Elisabetta Ferri, Stefano Fiuzzi, Marco Gaggini, Stefan Gottfried, Martin Gester, Pablo Gómez, Philippe Grisvard, Luca Guglielmi, Frédérik Haas, Marcia Hadjimarkos, Christoph Hammer, Jean-luc Ho, Hwa Jeong, Bernard Klapprott, Tobias Koch, Ricardo Magnus, Marouan Mankar-Bennis, Jovanka Marville, Matteo Messori, Donatella Mitolo, Giulia Nuti, Olga Pashchenko, Antonello Palazzolo, Paula Poncet, Maria Virginia Rolfo, Anthony Romaniuk, Toby Sermeus, Ella Sevskaya, Christine Schornsheim, Mario Solazzo, Miklós Spányi, Andreas Staier, Christopher Stembridge, Justin Taylor, Giovanni Togni, Edoardo Torbianelli, Menno van Delft, Temenuschka Vesselinova, Aline Zilberajch, Keiko Shichijo, Paolo Zanzu